Engineering Supply & Capabilities
Engineering Supply
Basic (FEED) / Extended Basic (eFEED)
Technical Specifications / Procurement
Supervision (installation and commissioning)
Cost Estimation
Remarkable Features in our Designs
Safety in our designs
Hytech performs a rigorous analysis for various scenarios (normal operation, start-up, emergencies, etc.) that, soundly modeled, lets us properly design equipment, control philosophy, interlocking and relieving systems.This process permits the definition of the global contingency strategy in compliance with the local regulations and enforcement standards.
Stable operation
Our designs benefit from a control philosophy adapted to the process, which requires balanced equipment size, consumption of services and product specification. Control valves are selected to handle changing feed rates without operator intervention, always being rigorously simulated to the most extreme operating conditions.
Design of high efficiency equipment
The goal of our Engineering is to maximize the efficiency of each particular equipment and plant as a whole. We custom design for each case, trying to avoid out-of-the-box equipment. Extreme operating conditions (temperatures and pressures) are avoided as possible, which consequently reduces the services consumption, minimizes the total number of equipment and yields simplified piping diagrams
Designs tailored to the needs of each customer
Thanks to the calculation tools available, and having in mind the requirements set by the client, we perform a deep alternative analysis, that, properly simulated, and with conscious equipment design, make up the solution that best suits the investment requirements, applications and customer needs, resulting in "tailored" processes, with proven technology though.
Based on the data obtained from test runs, HYtech simulates the process to identify key limitations and restrictions. Suggestions are made to apply the necessary modifications in order to increase throughput, yields, improve product quality and optimize energy or additives usage. Normally, only minor modifications are needed to improve plant efficiency.